Terminal and Command-Line Cheat Sheet

Table of Contents


Open a Terminal and you can directly type the stuff below.

If you have time, enjoy this essay by the science-fiction author Neal Stephenson.

Editing file is most of the job, so please also consider using a descent editor. The author uses and recommends GNU Emacs, because it simply rocks!

1 Getting Help

man <command>

Quit by pressing q.

man ls
man cd
man mkdir

2 The TAB key

Whenever entering (long) paths or file names, the TAB key comes in very handy, because it autocompletes the end or proposes how to complete. Autocompletion is so handy…

Imagine you want to enter in this fictional directory, by typing all these components:

cd /data/home/alturi/project/long-filename.ext

Prone error !! Instead, the TAB key is magic, try:

cd /d[TAB]ata/h[TAB]ome/al[TAB]turi/pro[TAB]ject/lo[TAB]ng-filename.ext

When you type ambiguous character (e.g., pro should point to your fictional folder project/ or product/), the completion does not work. In that case, hit TAB twice to view all the possible matches and then type a few more characters.

3 History of the command line

Just use ARROW UP and DOWN to navigate through the history.

List all the recent history:


4 Where I am


Show the absolute path.

5 Create new directory

mkdir <name>

You can also create the directory and couple of subfolders:

mkdir -p my-project/this/that

6 Change directory

cd <directory>

For example, go to the previous created folder, and verify you are in:

cd my-project/this/that

Go at one level up (parent directory) and verify again:

cd ..

Go to the folder that/ then go at two levels up:

cd that/
cd ../..

Note that:


go to the $HOME folder.

7 List the content of a directory

ls <directory>

and without any <directory> name, list the current folder.

List all the files, even the hidden ones:

ls -a

List the files and sort them by reverse order of modified time:

ls -rt1

List the files with some useful information (permissions, owner, size etc.)

ls -l

List recursively through the subfolders:

ls -R

8 Read the content of a file

less <filename>

Quit with :q.

9 Display the first N lines (last N lines)

head -nN <filename>
tail -nN <filename>

For example, display the first 5 commands:

head -n5 ~/.bash_history

10 Clear the terminal window (just cosmetic)


Nothing is erased, it is pure cosmetic by refreshing.

11 Copy file / directory

cp <source> <target>

For example, copy the history of the command lines and list the folder:

cp ~/.bash_history ~/my-history
ls -rt1

After creating a new folder, copy the file into it:

cp my-history my-project/this/that
ls my[TAB]-project/[TAB]this/[TAB]that/

Copy folders:

cp -R my-project my-project2
ls -R my-project2

12 Rename file / directory

mv <source> <target>

13 Remove file / directory

rm <filename>
rm -fr <filename>

The option -f means force. Be careful !!

14 Search files

find <dir> -name "<filename>" -type f

For example, list all the files with the extensions .fastq.gz in the current folder:

find . -name "*.fastq.gz" -type f -print

Find all Pearl files .pl containing the occurence xls and print the line:

find . -type f -name "*.pl" -print | xargs grep -nH xls

15 Copy files / directory through the network

rsync -av --progress <source> <target>

For example, push local folder to server toto.tata.univ-paris-diderot.fr:

rsync -av --progress my-project username@toto.tata.univ-paris-diderot.fr:~/

Pull remote folder:

rsync -av --progress username@toto.tata.univ-paris-diderot.fr:~/my-project my-project2

Be careful with the trailing slash /. Explanations later !

16 Check what is going on


17 Kill active process


Or you can find the process number with:

ps -fe | less

and identify the guilty.

18 Disconnect the session



Date: 2018-03-08 Thu 00:00

Author: simon

Created: 2018-10-24 Wed 17:14
